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Saturday, May 19, 2012

My Fit Fil Cebu Camp Experience (So Far)

Last time, I mentioned I joined the Fit Filipino or Fit Fil Cebu camp of Coach Joe Saret in Ayala Center Cebu. I was told that it was unlike the usual fitness camps but I had to see or experience it for myself.

Attending 2 sessions so far, I could say this: Guys, all that was said about the camp is true.

It is really unique. Imagine, just 4-minute workouts! Sounds easy, right? Nah!

The camp is like a scene coming straight from a soldier movie. It is like one is being trained to be a soldier. It brought memories of past CAT or ROTC trainings. The feeling is just like that. "Dah! Ngano ni enter?" "Bakit ako?" "Lord, ano nagawa ko?" "Ayoko na!" People are saying this things...laughing! It is one activity that you complain too much but you do not want to actually miss. Many complain of soreness and yet they are willing to subject themselves to the challenging exercises. That's Fit Fil.

We, Cebuanos are really lucky to experience this first.

So what exactly do we do during the camp?

Well, one is the 4-minute workout composed of cycles of 10 counts jumping jack, 10 counts squats, another 10 for push-ups and another 10 for lunges which are repeated until 4 minutes is reached. Believe me, as time passes, execution becomes more difficult. However, one can feel the different muscle groups at work, becoming sore afterwards.

There is also the Cabinta workout in Day 2 with the most difficult part for me personally, being the planking which effects can really be felt in the abdominal muscles.

The camp is complete with nutritionists to give advice and plan a participant's individual diet and a drinking station. There is also circuit training where groups shift from one activity to another in sequence.

It is a fun workout and I believe the camp uses the right strategy motivating its participants. It really helps to have a team that trains with you, a coach that constantly reminds and motivates its members and varying activities that counter boredom. The camp really gives one the feel of being part of a Biggest Loser show.

I am lucky also to gain new friends and be part of the CeBOOM Hazelers Team under Big Loser Philippines alumnus Hazel Chua's wing. The team is serious in sustaining the initial steps in this camp that it came up with a Facebook group even to act as a support group hopefully even after the camp.

For Fit Fil Cebu CeBOOM Hazelers team, just visit this CeBOOM Hazelers Facebook Group then join the group.

Special thanks to Ayala Center Cebu and Nestle Wellness along with the other sponsors. Oops! I forgot....I have to sleep for not less than 7 hours. I have to stop writing this post already.

See you for the weigh-in!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The success that was Startup Weekend Cebu 2012

I was there. I am proud I was in the midst of it all. I participated in the recently concluded Startup Weekend Cebu last May 11 to 13 at The UP Cebu. Yeah!

Coming to the Startup Weekend, I have little idea what actually happens in a startup weekend. I attended Pre Startup Bootcamps, made some mock pitches and listened to the experts. But it is really different to experience the real thing and I was glad to experience it, not as a media observer but as a participant myself.

Well, I shed one thousand pesos but what I got back was way beyond that particular value.
The organizers

There were several interesting pitches. "WaitNoMore" aims to eliminate having to go through long lines waiting for your number to be called.  "", an app that will tell you what you can cook based on the ingredients you have on your kitchen pantry. "DeadOpen", a way to attain closure of your digital life because it emails your chosen loved one your various passwords upon your death.

And of course the team where I eventually joined, the "MyEatinerary", an app that will tell you what and where to eat with the budget that you have.

The participants then gave selected their favorite pitches represented by the name of the planned app or website pasted on the Idea Board.

There were so many participants looking for teams. Team leaders shouting their need for developers, designers, etc. Teams were formed and plan for action made. Our group was divided into a subteam. I became head of the Content Team, being a blogger.

The next day, teams were so busy doing their own assignments. It was so nice seeing everyone working together for a common goal. You can feel the team spirit, the competitive edge, the creativity, the meeting of minds, the sharing of talents, the brotherhood. It was so amazing to watch it unfold before your very eyes.

So this is how it feels to be in a startup weekend. Computer programmers in action, conferring with teammates. Apps slowly taking shape. While we in the non-tech side provide the content with some design inputs.

Day 2 was tiring but fun. Teams are preparing for possible launch of their respective apps the next day. I did not realize an app prototype can be made in such a short time. Suspense was in the air. Mentors were going around giving very useful advice and these are people who are actually the icons of technology and business.

The final day... Team leaders are now starting to prepare for their presentations. They were rehearsing their pitches. The other members were putting the final touches into their prototype. I made our team's Facebook page and blog post and monitoring the views and likes. This is it!

By midday, a lot of the prototypes were going live already, including ours. Amazing what a true team passionate about something can do in such a short time! I am finally a part of a team that created an app! Never in my dreams did I imagine that.

Towards the evening, the final pitches were made and it was nice to see the finished products. Good job to all the teams!

Team WaitNoMore won 1st place and the idea belonged to a student of my college alma mater.

Our team did not win but I did not feel sad. Why? Because at the end of the event, we are going to continue what we started. We are now a real Startup!

Here is a screenshot of our app!
And more importantly, I won new friends -- Drew Shobbrook, Steven Lava (MyEatinerary was his idea), Faey Szew Abella, Ryzza Mancio, Ardee Aram, sisters Yen and Charisse Dirain, Dan Mortalla, Nico Enego, Kevin de Jesus, Junix Villacorta, Giovanni Hermoso and Jun Rey Beduya.

Now that's what you call SUCCESS!

Cheers to the Startup Weekend Cebu organizers!


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