How are you my readers? It's been a long while since I last blogged. So many things have happened and I'm really excited to share to you.
One, I have a new job! Yes, I could not believe it! A hemodialysis patient with a new job to help with my health expenses! God is really good and we should never really give up even if we have some sort of disability.
From my career in the private sector, I am now in the government sector as a Research Training Specialist at a government hospital in Cebu...a chance to make a real impact to healthcare primarily by helping residents in their researches with the end goal of helping patients.
And here is my selfie in my new work environment. It's a job perfect for my situation.
The new job was really an unexpected development and I have the Lord to thank first.
Dr. Annabelle Fuentes deserves a very big thank you next, for the support and encouragement.
Thanks to the hospital administration for trusting that I can help them with regards to research.
Thanks to my wife, of course, who is always there for me.
Also to my colleagues in CIM who believed in me.
Work started last week and I am already loving it! It's really nice when you get to share what you learned from postgraduate studies and you see your learners and co-workers appreciate your efforts.
By the way, it will also be a new chapter for me with my dialysis. Why? Because I will be transferring soon to the government hospital dialysis center. And It kinda makes me sad because I already consider as family the staff of my current hemodialysis center as well as the other patients there. They helped me go through my bouts of high fever, UTI, etc. as well as laughed with me through the stories we share while on dialysis. But I will not be leaving them permanently as I will be still guiding the support group I helped establish there in their future activities.
I have some fears though with this impending transfer. Questions like, "How will I adjust to the new machine? to their dialyzer? the new environment?" I hope I will not experience fever as a reaction. Those kinds of fears. But hey, I know the Lord will just be on my side as He always does so I'll just think of him whenever I'm afraid.
P.S. Thanks to Dr. Pherdes and Michelle Chiong-Galbo again for their generosity. And thank you all for continuing to join me in my journey including this new chapter of mine. please do continue to pray for me. Hope you are in good health. Till next post!
Congrats and God bless on your new journey doc!